Hello I`am

Urfan Karimli

Front-end Developer

Data park

I developed the entire front-end of The Data Park platform, which was designed as a hub for data academies, consulting firms, startups, the CDO club, job vacancies, talent pools, data science events and meetups, research, and the latest industry news.

React.js Shadcn UI Tailwind css TypeScriptZustand#Zod#SWR#React Hook Form

Tap.az (copy)

The main objective of this project is to gain practical experience with React.js technologies and become familiar with modern frontend tools. Since no backend is used in this project, static data is stored in JavaScript files to ensure proper functionality in the Vercel environment.

React Shadcn Tailwind JavaScript

Blankspace Brussels is a minimalist, multifunctional event space in central Brussels. With white walls, sliding partitions, and outdoor terraces, it suits various events. It partners with caterers and offers interactive experiences. My main responsibilities in the development of the site include creating pages, implementing multilingual support, and integrating animations using Framer Motion.

Next.js Shadcn UI Tailwind css TypeScript Redux Toolkit Zod#i18n

Vue Dashboard

This project aims to enhance my skills in Vue.js by building a Dashboard application. It utilizes modern technologies such as Vite, Tailwind CSS, and PrimeVue.

Vue.jsPrime UI Tailwind css JavaScript#Apex Charts

Vue Commerce

Created for the purpose of learning Vue.js

Vue.jsPrime UI Tailwind css JavaScriptZustand